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Published Tuesday 13 Jul 2021

In a lovely ceremony at Taku Wahi, Wairarapa DHB formally opened our Mihinui room. The commemorative plaque on the wall paying testiment to Mihi Keita Namana - our Aunty Mihi - for whom the room is named.

Few of us that have been at the DHB for any period of time would not know 'Aunty'. She has been part and parcel of Wairarapa healthcare for what seems like forever, providing sage advice and steering cultural awareness, and she has been intrinsically involved in every major health development for more than two decades.

Aunty Mihi retired in her official service with the DHB in October of 2019 but she is every inch still a part of us, and now her valuable participation has been formally remembered in the naming of the meeting room at Taku Wahi, on site at Wairarapa Hospital.

Mihi means a great welcome/acknowledgement, and Nui, when added to a persons name, signifies their many meaningful accomplishments. 

During the opening formalities we heard of Aunty Mihi's role in sequestering the Taku Wahi space.

When people were sticking post-it notes on the furniture and removables in the old CT scanning and CAMHS buildings, at the time of the new hospital build, Aunty Mihi boldly stuck her post-its on the walls themselves. In her typical big-picture style, Aunty had a vision that the buildings could become accommodation for whānau, as well as house the Māori Health Directorate offices.

Taku Wahi is an enduring legacy to her foresight, says the plaque on the wall, and no one would disagree.

Now, the Mihinui - the room where people come together, where people feel safe and feel heard, and where collaboration takes place - will forever have the Aunty Mihi stamp on it.

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